
We use our own and third-party cookies in order to offer our services and obtain statistics. You can accept all cookies by clicking "Accept" or reject all of them by clicking "Reject". Click "Set cookies" to accept or reject some of them. For more information, please read our cookies policy.

Cookie settings

Cookie settings

We use our own and third-party cookies in order to offer our services and obtain statistics.

Technical Cookies
These cookies allow you to browse the website and use the options and services offered. They allow you to maintain your session. We use our own and third-party technical cookies. These cookies are necessary for the website to work and cannot be disabled.
Analytical cookies
These cookies allow the tracking and the analysis of the behavior of website visitors. The gathered information is used for measuring the website activity and to develop statistics to further improve the website. We use third-party analytical cookies.
Behavioural advertising cookies
These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising relevant to you and your interests. We use our own and third-party behavioural advertising cookies.

For more information, please read our cookies policy.


Legal notice / General terms and conditions

Legal Notice


In compliance with the information obligation set forth in article 10 of Act 34/2002 (11 July 2002) on Information Society and E-Commerce Services, general information about the website is provided below:


Website Manager www.mireservaonline.es (hereinafter, MiReservaOnline): AREA25 INFORMATICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES SCA (hereinafter AREA25). Tax Code: F18534636.

  • Registered in the Provincial Unit of Andalusian Cooperative Societies of Granada, Register Book of Andalusian Cooperative Societies, Associated Work Section with the code GRRCA-1283.
  • Registered office: Calle El Purche 6, 2º A 18008 GRANADA, SPAIN.
  • Telephone: +34 958 085 751.
  • Website: www.area25.es
  • Email: info at area25 dot es.



Using the Website


This website contains information about the MiReservaOnline.es platform that allows companies of various kinds to manage and promote their services according to the Software as a Service (SaaS) model.


This website is intended to inform potential customers about the features of the platform, but is independent of the MiReservaOnline platform, which is governed by its own legal conditions.


AREA25 may stop providing this service without having to notify the users and without it being legally obliged in any way.





Anyone who accesses and/or uses this Website is considered a user from the time of such access and/or use, and is obliged to accept the general terms and conditions described in this section.



Description of the services


This website contains commercial information about MiReservaOnline.es.


On this website, the user may consult this information, contact us, get a demo or sign up on MiReservaOnLine.es.


In addition to filling in the application form, signing up for MiReservaOnLine.es will require the signing of an agreement and is outside the scope of the services offered on this website.



Right of withdrawal


The information offered on this website is free of charge and does not imply the contracting of or payment for any service, and therefore this website does not offer any option regarding the right of withdrawal.



Third-party Links


In the case of links to third-party websites, users will be governed by the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the new website. AREA25 declines responsibility and has no legal obligation with respect to using those websites.



Exclusion of guarantees and liability


AREA25 cannot guarantee 100% availability for this website, since diverse technical problems could arise which could interrupt the service. In this respect, AREA25 will not be held liable for the consequences of a potential lack of availability or technical problems in the system.


AREA25 will not be held liable for any damages and losses caused, including the following, by way of example and without limitation: lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or programmes with harmful or injurious contents, despite having taken all the necessary technological steps to prevent this.


Also, although every effort is made to keep the information up to date, AREA25 cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on this website, which may be incomplete or contain errors.



Authors’ Rights (Intellectual and Industrial Copyright)


All the texts and images in this website are regulated by authors’ rights and may not be copied without the written permission of the lawful owners.





The information obtained by AREA25 from the users of this Website is used to respond to their queries and/or to register them as users and/or process their requests. For more information about the processing of data in this Website, please consult our Privacy Policy.





The present general terms and conditions are governed by Spanish law. Both AREA25 and the users agree to submit any disputes in relation thereto to the Courts designed by law.



Changes in the Legal Notice / General Terms and Conditions


AREA25 may change the "Legal Notice / general terms and conditions" sections at any time. Users should review the content thereof during each visit, since they may be changed without notice. Likewise, users declare that they understand and accept each of the clauses set forth in this document. Users are fully responsible for reviewing the above-mentioned terms and conditions.

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