
We use our own and third-party cookies in order to offer our services and obtain statistics. You can accept all cookies by clicking "Accept" or reject all of them by clicking "Reject". Click "Set cookies" to accept or reject some of them. For more information, please read our cookies policy.

Cookie settings

Cookie settings

We use our own and third-party cookies in order to offer our services and obtain statistics.

Technical Cookies
These cookies allow you to browse the website and use the options and services offered. They allow you to maintain your session. We use our own and third-party technical cookies. These cookies are necessary for the website to work and cannot be disabled.
Analytical cookies
These cookies allow the tracking and the analysis of the behavior of website visitors. The gathered information is used for measuring the website activity and to develop statistics to further improve the website. We use third-party analytical cookies.
Behavioural advertising cookies
These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising relevant to you and your interests. We use our own and third-party behavioural advertising cookies.

For more information, please read our cookies policy.


Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Therefore, we would like to explain who we are, which personal data we process and why, and what your rights are.


We recommend that you read this privacy policy, the general conditions, and the cookies policy carefully before using our services. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Who we are


The data controller for the data you provide is AREA25 INFORMÁTICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES S. COOP. AND. with Corporate Tax ID No. F18534636; and registered address at Calle El Purche 6, 2º A, 18008 Granada, Spain; telephone (+34) 958 085 751. You can contact us here.



Legal basis. Legitimisation


This privacy policy complies with the provisions of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data (GDPR) and Article 5 of Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).


The processing of the personal data that you provide is legitimised by your consent when you contact us, request a demonstration or register with MiReservaOnline.es.


Personal data


When we talk about personal data, we mean any information that can identify you directly, such as your first and last name; or indirectly, such as your email address or the IP address of the device you are using to browse our website.



Collection of personal data


When using this website we may collect personal data from you in a number of ways:


  • When you use any form (contact, sign up, get a demo) to communicate with us.
  • Through the use of cookies and similar technologies. More information: Cookie Policy.
  • When you access any page on this website, even if you do not provide any personal information, your browser sends certain information that is automatically stored by the web server. This data includes, among others, the URL requested, date and time of access, browser used or IP address.



Purposes of processing personal data


We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To manage your contact requests
  • To manage your requests to get a free demo
  • To manage your requests to sign up in MiReservaOnline.es
  • For analytical purposes to compile statistics on the use of the website
  • To ensure the correct functioning and security of the website


By providing us with your personal data, you guarantee that they are truthful and you undertake to notify us of any changes to them that affect the purpose for which you provided them to us. Providing incorrect or incomplete data may result in financial damage for which you will be liable to us or to any third party harmed by such action.



Consequences of not providing data


When we explicitly ask you to provide personal data all required information is marked with an asterisk. You are not required to provide the requested data. If you do not provide it, we may not be able to respond to your request (contact, sign up or get a demo forms).



Personal data retention time


Your data will be retained until you request that it be deleted.



Recipients of your personal data


The personal data that you provide will not be transferred to third parties, unless you request this from us. We will only transfer your data when necessary for the purpose authorised by you. In this case, we require the recipient to process your data for the same purpose and with the same level of protection.



International data transfers


We do not anticipate any international data transfers.


As an exception, some services provided by third parties as well as some cookies used by them may contain or send certain data, such as your IP address or other parameters of navigation or your device, to servers located outside the European Union.


Please see our cookie policy for more information.



Origin of personal data


If you provide us with other people's data, you must guarantee that you have the authorisation of said persons to provide their data. You must not provide any data about minors. If we receive data about minors, we will delete it.



About the security of your personal data


Protecting your personal data is a priority to us. For this reason, we implement the most suitable security measures to prevent unauthorised third parties from gaining access to your data. 



About the use of cookies


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are stored on the user's device during browsing. Check our cookies policy to obtain more information.



Social media


We are present on multiple social networks to promote our website. These social networks are separate from us and have their own terms, conditions and privacy policies.


If you have an account on a social network and decide to follow us through it, our interaction within the social network shall be subject to its terms and conditions.


If you contact us through a social network to request information, to get a demo or to sign up, we will process the data that you provide us according to this privacy policy.



Services provided by third parties


We use external services from the following companies:


Google LLC

  • Our website uses Google Analytics services to obtain statistics.
  • Therefore, Google LLC may automatically receive certain information such as your IP address, browser, language, browser headers, etc. when you browse our website.
  • More information: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en



Meta Platforms, INC


At the time of writing this privacy policy, both Google LLC and Meta Platforms, INC. are parties to the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement and are therefore obliged to process your personal data in accordance with a set of regulations defined by the European Union.


More information:




  • Our website uses MTCaptcha services in the contact form to detect fraudulent use by automated programs (bots).
  • MTCaptcha states that it only collects technical information to provide the service.
  • More information: https://www.mtcaptcha.com/legal-privacy-captcha



LinkedIn Corporation


At the time of writing this privacy policy LinkedIn  is not a party to the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement and are therefore is not obliged to process your personal data in accordance with a set of regulations defined by the European Union. More information: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000L0UZAA0



Rights and claims to the control authority


You have the right to revoke any consent that you provide to process your personal data at any time.


You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition by sending an email to info at area25 dot es with the subject “Data protection”. You may also do so by sending a letter to: Area25 IT. Calle El Purche 6, 2º A. 18008 Granada, Spain.


In both cases, you must send a copy of your valid ID.


You have the right to the portability of your data, i.e., to have it delivered in a format that is structured, commonly used and machine readable; you also have the right to send it to a new data controller, if you so wish.


Furthermore, you may present a claim to the competent Control Authority on matters of Data Protection, especially if you are not satisfied with the exercising of your rights. To do so, please contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency: Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid. You can also do so by visiting the electronic office at https://www.aepd.es

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